It really is one of the most pointless uses of the word in the English language.
Let's remind ourselves of the meaning of the word. Like: a) Having some or all of the qualities of another. b) resembling in some way eg good writers like Dickens.
The most unfortunate aspect of this particular piece of language misuse is that it will be repeated time and time again in quick succession often in the same or consecutive sentences. Of course the word like is almost exclusively followed by a slight pause accentuating the fact that the speaker is thinking of what to say next. This pause is often accompanied by a gaping mouth and eyeballs rolling up into the head.
For instance here's Chardonnay talking to a group of teenage friends.
It was like, really late when he turned up and I was like..."What time do you call this". I mean it's like...I'm never late for him.
I suppose there is one thing that is more exasperating than simply saying 'like' and that's "It's like...Do you know what I mean?" Then I just just want to scream.
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